Wondering how many of your students are giving an honest effort on conceptual inventories? Today’s paper can help.
Continue readingAuthor: Nick Young
Supporting all students through Universal Design for Learning
The Universal Design for Learning are a set of guidelines for designing materials for diverse needs, abilities, and interests.
Continue readingCan we explain the physics conceptual inventory gender gap?
Prior physics preparation seems to be the biggest contributor to the gender gap but a lot is still unknown.
Continue readingHow does taking AP physics affect performance on conceptual assessments
AP courses are said to be equivalent to university courses but AP exam scores may not be as useful as we think
Continue readingDemographic gaps may just be preparation gaps
Prior studies have found gender and racial performance gaps in physics. However, might those gaps be the result of gaps in preparation?
Continue readingWhat’s so complex about complex algebra?
Today we look at some problems physics students encounter when transitioning between representations of complex numbers.
Continue readingGender and racial biases still a problem in physics post-doctoral hiring
Even when the CVs are otherwise identical, physics faculty preferred applicants from majority groups as opposed to candidates from minority groups.
Continue readingResearch-backed advice for mentoring researchers
Mentoring an undergraduate researcher for the first time or looking to improve your mentoring ability? See what the literature has to say.
Continue readingThe chicken and the egg problem of academic productivity
Faculty at more prestigious universities tend to publish more. However, faculty at prestigious universities tend to be trained at prestigious universities. So it is the training or their current position that causes their productivity bump?
Continue readingSexual harassment is a problem in physics
75% of undergraduate women in physics report experiencing some form of sexual harassment.
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