The following are resources that may be of use to readers of PERbites. These resources are not affiliated with PERbites and PERbites is not responsible for content appearing on the following sites.
General Resources
PER-Central: Collection of physics education papers, dissertations, activities, conceptual assessments, and more.
PhysPort: expert recommendations, teaching methods, and workshops for teaching physics and downloadable assessments.
Physics Education Research Conference (PERC) Proceedings: These are short, 4 page open-access papers highlighting recent developments in PER that were presented during PERC.
Getting Started in PER: accessible introductions to key areas and topics in PER
Conceptual Assessments and Administration
LASSO: free online system for administering conceptual, attitudinal, and self-efficacy assessments.
PhysPort: downloadable research-based assessments
Data Explorer: Score and analyze the results of physics research-based assessments.
Teaching Resources
PICUP: computational resources and peer-reviewed exercises sets for high school physics to advanced physics.
Living Physics Portal: resources for teaching introductory physics for the life sciences (IPLS)
PhET: free, interactive simulations of physics experiments and concepts
The Physics Front: an AAPT and NSF supported site with physics and physical science teaching resources for K-12 instructors..
Career Resources
PERCOGS (Physics Education Research Consortium of Graduate Students): A professional group for PER graduate students that prepares graduate students to fully participate in the PER community
PER Jobs: a list of physics education related positions (postdoc, instructor, professor, etc)
REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates): National Science Foundation summer research programs for undergraduate students. PER programs may be listed as physics or education and human resources programs.
Physical Review Physics Education Research (open access): Articles and collections related to “experimental and theoretical research relating to the teaching and learning of physics and astronomy.” This journal is the main source of articles for PERbites
European Journal of Physics (partial open access): Articles related to “maintaining and improving the standard of taught physics in universities and other higher education institutes.”
International Journal of STEM Education (open access): Articles related to “teaching and learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.”
Journal of Research in Science Teaching (partial open access): “Reports for science education researchers and practitioners on issues of science teaching and learning and science education policy”
Science Education (partial open access): Articles regarding “science curriculum, instruction, learning, policy and preparation of science teachers with the aim to advance our knowledge of science education theory and practice.”
arXiv (open access): pre-prints of papers that have been submitted to journals but have not been accepted or published.