Thanks for coming to our new site! It’s been nearly 6 months since PERbites launched which seems like a good time to reflect on how far we’ve come. In the past six months, we’ve
- posted summaries of 19 articles
- reached over 1300 people from 56 countries
PERbites readership around the world - been added to the list of blogs tracked by ScienceSeeker and Altmetric
In the case of the latter, it is now possible to check if there is a PERbite for any journal that uses Altmetric. Using Physical Review Physics Education Research as an example (not affiliated with us but the source of most of our articles), you can check if we’ve covered an article by clicking on the colored circle and then clicking on the blogs tab. If we’ve covered the article, there will be a link to the relevant post. How cool is that?

Thanks to all our readers for making the past six months great. Here’s to many more to come on our new site.
This is the general PERbites account. If you are seeing this in the author box, it either means you are reading an announcement, a multi-author post, or a guest post.