We hope everyone had a great summer and a good (and safe) start to the semester! We’ll get back to posting new content soon but we wanted share some updates first.
New posting schedule
As many of our writers have experienced changes in their workload and positions, we will be switching to a monthly posting schedule. While some months may have additional articles based on our author’s availabilities, a typical month will only have one post, appearing on the second or third Wednesday of the month.
We’re looking for new writers
We’re always looking for volunteers interested in sharing education research with the world. Currently there are a few ways to get involved:
- Regular writer: As a regular writer, you would write an article every 3 months. While the time commitment varies, a typical article will take between 4-6 hours.
- Guest writer: Read an interesting article that you think everyone should know about? Write a post about it! If you have only a limited amount of available time (who doesn’t nowadays), this is a great way to get involved without too large of a time commitment.
We’re also starting a new initiative for people who recently defended their dissertation, called the Short, Short Version. In effort help early career scholars publicize their work (and have more than just their dissertation committee read their work), recent PhDs can write a 1000 word summary of the key points of their theses. More information about this project can be found at https://perbites.org/short-short-version-an-opportunity-for-recent-phds/
As physics education research becomes increasingly interdisciplinary, PERbites is interested in continuing to expand beyond only PER and into discipline-based education research (DBER) more broadly. Interested writers can be of any DBER background or interest.
Keep an eye out for a reader survey
Later this year, we’ll be conducting a survey to understand who reads PERbites, how PERbites has been helpful to you, and what types of content you would like to see on PERbites. The link to the survey will be posted on our website and we will make a post announcing it.
This is the general PERbites account. If you are seeing this in the author box, it either means you are reading an announcement, a multi-author post, or a guest post.